Don't repeat lessons back to back. Instead, cycle through a series to optimize your movement.

Somatic Movement Education leverages our natural neuroplasticity to help us better organize our movements: (mindless) repetition is the enemy.

If you’ve participated in one of my class series or joined my membership, you know that I ask you to go through the lessons sequentially before repeating any particular lesson.  

The idea is to avoid having your movements become rote, because automaticity turns off your learning brain.  Recently, a student asked me a great question about this: 

“Even if we do the same routine every day, our bodies aren't the same each day.  Wouldn't how we respond to it [a lesson] be different each time, so it [our movements] wouldn't become rote?”  

The answer can be explained, in part, by exploring the philosophical question:

“If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?" 

Watch the short video to hear my full explanation:  

Categories: : Neuroplasticity, Student Questions