Offering Somatic Movement Lessons Worldwide from Bloomington, Indiana

Do you want to feel better?

Hey there!  I'm Ana Maria Pardo, R.N.  I want to help you tap into the power of the brain to change.
Are you ready to move better so you can feel better?

"I believe in you"

In working as a nurse, I realized that we are incredibly resilient. To recover, though, what we need most is a better way to learn. To learn how to move after stroke or injury. To learn how to reduce anxiety. To learn how to be with ourselves. To learn how to access our full potential, whatever the circumstances.

My desire to facilitate learning for my clients led me to train in the Anat Baniel Method® and to become a NeuroHorizons® Mentor. I opened Move and Bloom to share work inspired by Moshe Feldenkrais with you, so you can grow possibilities.

Ready to grow possibilities?
Just follow the 4 steps below...

Step 1

If you've never heard of Somatics
before, read here to get started.  

Step 2

If you haven't already, make sure
to try a sample lesson.

Step 3

 Learn to wake up your organic intelligence through
movement by reading the blog.

Step 4

Still have questions? No problem!
Schedule a free Zoom consult.