Waking up Your Learning Brain - The Secrets of Somatic Movement

Learn how to transform your life and access your potential by using movement to turn on your brain's power to change.

Waking up your learning brain 

The Secrets of Somatic Movement

From the outside, it may look like Somatic Movement Education is some type of massage.  During a private hands-on lesson, the student may lie on a table, close their eyes, and allow the Educator to gently move their body.  Once they get off the table they may have that sleepy, blissful look people get after bodywork.  Here’s the thing, though: in Somatic Movement Education we use the moving body as a tool to talk to the brain.  

That’s right - your Somatic Movement Educator is really a brain whisperer.  The Educator is waking up your learning
brain and giving it the rich, quality information it needs to better organize your movement so you can move through life with more comfort and ease.  But HOW do they wake up the brain?  Spoiler alert: It’s not the movements themselves that wake up the brain; rather, it’s how the Educator (and student) engage with the movements that matter.  

This seemingly magical ‘how’ is the secret sauce of Somatic Movement Education: elements critical for turning on brain plasticity.  They create the conditions in the brain that enhance learning and creativity, decrease pain, and facilitate recovery.   

With gratitude to my teachers, all of whom have been inspired by Moshe Feldenkrais's work, here is access to his words on learning to learn.

When we adopt these methods, we have tools for life.  That’s because they can be applied to just about any situation.  In fact, many families have benefited just from coaching in the application of these ideas, without the benefit of any kind of movement lessons.  Life transforms and becomes easier for them in so many ways.  

Using these ideas, a mother was able to vary her approach when changing her child’s diaper.  She didn’t change the mechanics of a diaper change; instead, she changed how she approached her child.  She slowed down, introduced some variations, and used even gentler touch.  As a result, the child didn’t experience as much spasticity during the diaper change.  The interaction was easier and more pleasant for both mother and child, and both experienced an enhanced sense of connection.*  It may seem like a small thing, but the small things we do several times a day, every day make up the bulk of our lives.  Any change has the potential to transform our experience.  

I look forward to talking with you about the elements of learning to learn.  We’ll explore what they mean and practical ways to apply them in your everyday life.  If you have any questions you’d like me to answer in coming posts, please get in touch.  

*Thanks to @mindfullmoves.jen for this particular anecdote.

Categories: : Neuroplasticity