Hey there!  I'm Ana Maria, R.N.

My mission is to help you grow possibilities...by growing new connections in the brain!

Using slow, gentle movements, I can help you upgrade communication between the brain and body to accelerate learning, decrease pain, and enhance recovery.  

Since my first job at the Yale Child Study Center in 1994,
I've worked with the brain in one way or another.  Today I give somatic movement lessons to adults and children who want to move through life with ease and comfort.  

I discovered somatic movement education when my life
was completely derailed by pain.

I had spent tens of thousands of dollars on surgery and other medical treatments, and still my right shoulder was killing me.  

My right arm was numb and increasingly lifeless - except for when it was burning with pain.  Doctors warned me that, in time, I would lose the use of my right arm.  

Almost by accident, I found Feldenkrais®.  I didn't expect much from it - I was just looking for a way to feel like I was still living my life.  

After a few lessons, though, my pain started to go away.  I could finally sleep again! All from lying on the floor  and doing small, gentle movements.  

If you're curious to try somatic movement education, I have a free audio lesson for you.  

And I'm not alone...

So many people have finally gotten the results from Feldenkrais® inspired modalities.

There’s nothing more satisfying than
helping someone access the power of the brain to change
so they can move through life with comfort and ease.

Some people believe that getting stronger or recovering from injury is painful and difficult. Fortunately, that doesn’t have to be true.

There is a way to feel better that’s not only gentle and respectful of the human body-mind, but also based in science.

We now know that the brain has the potential to change at any age.  
We call this brain plasticity or neuroplasticity.
When conditions are right, the brain can make hundreds of thousands of new connections and patterns per second.  

Somatic movement education creates the conditions in the brain that enhance learning, decrease pain, and facilitate recovery.   

By paying close attention to what you feel as you slowly move, you alert the brain to take notice of what’s happening.

A somatic movement lesson will guide you through a series of subtle movement variations in the context of functional movement patterns.

As your brain takes in the information offered by moving in this way, your everyday movements become smoother and easier.

The process allows you to let go of unnecessary muscle contractions so that you are able to carry weight through your skeleton with maximum of comfort and ease.    

You learn how not to work against yourself so that your daily movements can begin to feel truly effortless.   

And that’s just what you notice on the outside.

On the inside, your brain is growing hundreds of thousands of new connections.  These neural connections create more accurate maps of your body in your brain.

The clearer your brain maps, the better your brain can organize every single one of your movements.  You move more freely, with less pain or discomfort.  As you move more smoothly, you develop more stamina.  

By upgrading communication between brain and body, you can avoid and even reverse the loss of strength and flexibility often associated with aging.  

My mission is to share this process with you
so you can grow possibilities and
move through life with comfort and ease.  

If you struggle going from doctor to doctor and you still don't have an answer to your pain, wny not try somatic movement education?

Learn to drop from your thinking self into your feeling self, so you can experience the body-mind working as one.  Turn on your learning brain using movement and access the power of the brain to positively impact all areas of your life.  

Move and Bloom
Grow Possibilities
